What if you could write one email and keep generating sales
over and over again?

Pay attention because I’ve got just the thing….
You can write your own sales converting emails without the need to hire an expensive copywriter…
The Email Social Planner
Yours for just $49
What’s Inside:
- My 5 processes to write emails that keep you front of mind with your list.
- How to position yourself as a leader in your niche with your emails.
- How to nurture your list when you’re not selling something.
- How to ask for the sale when it’s the right time.

The Email Social planner is the key to nurtuing your audience AND making sales at the same time.
It totally breaks down the reasons behind WHY you send an email instead of just telling you what to send. This puts you in control of your content so that you can repeat the process again and again.
Repeat as necessary
is this you?
Are you sending out emails whenever you remember but you get more unsubscribes than subscribes?
Stuggling to get sales even though EVERYONE says they are making big money from their lists?
It’s frustrating when everyone seems to “know” the secret but you…
Your products and services could make an impact if only you could get it in their hands and stop shying away from asking for the sale.
But the problem is that you don’t show up often and when you do, you don’t know what to say because it’s been so long since they’ve heard from you.
Then you see someone else comes along with your EXACT idea. They got to it first, right?
Well, there’s good news!
The Email Social Planner keeps you ahead of the rest.
Email is kind of my thing. And so is engineering.
I’ve spent my entire engineering career figuring out what makes things work. I’ve applied this mindset to email marketing and put it in this planner so that you could reap the benefits.
Show up in front of your audience without over sharing your life or creating tons of content. Then be confident when selling your offers.